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CTA Rapid Transit System Map Car Card3

Proletarian revolutionary rebel group, unite!

The control of nature 3

Tsutaya Shoten Bookstore(蔦屋書店)11

The 5th Dimension Greatest Hits3

Super Ape3

"The Liberator," Issue 73

Ibn El Leil Album by Mashrou' Leila

Random Access Memories Album by Daft Punk

Nirvana Over The Rainbow Tour Poster


Fight the Cuts

Belk's Charlotte Advertisement

The Little Meadow Gold Girl5

Female By Birth

David Hockney “The Blue Guitar”



Nagasaki Kujukushima長崎九十九島

Nuclear Sunbather

Atomic ’75

Try Art 2006 Heart Beat Projectトライ・アート2006 ハート ビート プロジェクト

Stairs and Shadow

Travail et sport (Work and sport)


Go Away White Poster

Sonne und Himmel, Munich Olympic Games

Moved DM (1992) by Norio Nakamura

Kimono and Characters, The 16th All Japan New Dyers and Weavers Exhibition

Destinations Along the Way, Annual Report2

The LOOP Show

Color Sphere in 7 Light Values and 12 Tones (Farbenkugel in 7 Lichtstufen und 12 Tönen)

Super Mario Kart Guide Nintendo Famicon

Wake up America! Civilization calls every man, woman and child!

American Red Cross WWI Recruitment Poster

The Ladies’ Graphic (Fujin-Graph)『婦人グラフ』

Die blaue Kugel

Jūlijs Madernieks, Ornaments (1913)2

Lou Reed by Stefan Sagmeister5
Midcentury Christmas Card from Iowa

Rudy's Tavern Advertisement

Iowa State University map of college grounds exclusive of farm2

Iowa State University campus map, 1966

Cerveza Caracas

Xeroxia #4

Horn Poppy Wallpaper

Women's edition (Buffalo) Courier

Cockettes in “Pearls Over Shanghai”5

Dill Pickles (a rag)

2011 Toyota Highlander Owner's Manual6

Elizabeth Peabody Mural Charts

City and Rural Population, 1890 Infographic

Charlotte Sign Post N.911 Postcard2

1967 Otis Redding Concert Poster

Manouchehr Motabar

Dream of Dust (Reves de Sable)

School Days • Gibson Girl6

Victoria Press during Industrialization of the Printing Press2

Tiger Advantage Embosser: Braille-Capable Tactile Graphics Printer

Red Meander, Anni Albers

Pavement – Quarantine the Past 3

Cover for December 1895 Issue of Puck Magazine

Thomas Rice Playing Jim Crow in blackface