Thomas Rice Playing Jim Crow in blackface


Jim Crow laws promoted racial segregation throughout the nation. Although these policies were notably prevalent and designated the South as the main hub for racism, it is important to note that segregation occurred throughout all of America. The phrase “Jim Crow” was coined by a white comedian Thomas Rice who performed a minstrel shows aimed to mock African Americans. When we talk about design as a tool for shaping taste and what is considered “good” art, we must also call into question the context in which it is being analyzed. The design elements of the poster such as the typeface, colors, and composition may have been successful in the depicting the show. But can design elements be inherently “bad” or “evil" in shaping cultural narratives? As we learn from the past, we can examine the future and the way contemporary design can either perpetuate or challenge existing power structures and harmful ideologies.

A white man in blackface dancing.
A white man in blackface dancing.