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To Drop By! poster by Seymour Chwast

Bauhaus Exhibition Poster by Joost Schmidt

Fantasia book, 1940, by Deems Taylor6

L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats by J Saunier, 1935

1965 Coca Cola Advertisment

Swissair Convair Metropolitan Poster

SSB Design Manual, Joseph Müller-Brockmann3

Tissi, Rosmarie, Serenaden 94, 1994

Spread from New Graphik, No. 13


Schweizer Plakate 1996

Typography: A Manual of Design by Emil Ruder5

Warja Lavater’s “Folded Stories”6

Poster: The 10th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture

7th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition for open recruitment

Musica Viva Posters for the Zurich Tonhalle

Das Freundliche Handzeichen (The Friendly Hand Signal)

鲁迅:而已集 (And That’s All: a Miscellany)2

Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #152

The Class Pet from the Black Lagoon2

进行曲选 (Collection of Favorite Marches)

Vol. 17 Philippine Free Press - “Christmas Time Again/ Otra Vez Las Pascuas”

Vol.34 Philippine Free Press - “Will it hold? - Podra Contenerlo”

Philippine Free Press - Woman suffrage movement

Noli Me Tangere Book Cover4

El Filibusterismo cover

I Love You Right to the Moon and Back

Nihon Chinbotsu

Learn How Book, Edition 170 5

The Poster of "Swear to Defend the Nation to the Death"/誓与国土共存亡

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Sports (スポーツ)”

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Reimport Ports and Harbors Bureau(逆輸入 〜港湾局〜)”

Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎 “Talk of the Town (浮き名)”

Hoshino Gen 星野源 “YELLOW DANCER”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Variety (娯楽(バラエティ)) ”

Tokyo Incidents 東京事変 “Discovery(大発見) ”


Metaphorical Music


BDG Blätter Poster

Stranger From The Wilderness

Gewerbliche Fachschulen Poster

Stadt Theater Basel

HOME: Mr. Children

Play with Japanese ”にほんごであそぼ”

Interfaith Day 1943 by Paul Rand

Los Angelos Summer Olympics 1984

MUJI brand

Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games

6th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition

8th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition

7th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition

Linha do Tempo do Design Graphico no Brasil Book Cover (Brazilian Graphic Design Timeline)2

Design No.155

アイデアIdea 54


アトリエグラフィックデザインの基礎Atelier Special Issue No. 093, 1967 – Basics of Graphic Design

Idea 223アイデア

Rei Naito: Emotion of Belief内藤礼 信の感情

Try Art 2006 Heart Beat Projectトライ・アート2006 ハート ビート プロジェクト

Symbols of NASA

Supernova -Dtype-