L. Voisin Cafes & Chocolats by J Saunier, 1935


This modern-style poster advertises coffee and hot chocolate for a French restaurant, depicting an African person wearing a turban and bringing a steaming cup out on a tray. The use of negative space with little text in a sans-serif font differentiates it from earlier advertisements that use large blocks of decorative text to reason to the viewer. The illustration of the steam in a beautiful green and gold cup is supposed to entice the viewer enough.

The person serving the coffee is there to connect the product to its “exotic” origins but we don’t seem to have a personal connection with them because of the heavily shadowed face, obscuring the eyes. Disappearing into the background, the turban and skin are the main highlighted features, making them seem even more like just a means for product advertisement.


Advertisement for French cafe with African person bring in a hot drink
Advertisement for French cafe with African person bring in a hot drink

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