进行曲选 (Collection of Favorite Marches)
- 钱君匋 (Junyao Qian) Designer
- Book 778
Type of Work
- Book 105
- paper 1564
- 2-color printing 62
- printing 543
Locations Made
- China 55
Qian Juntao (1907–1998) was a Chinese painter, calligrapher and aesthetic theorist. This cover is designed by Qian Juntao under one of his pseudonyms-白蕊先女士(Ms. Bai Ruixian) for the book collection “Favorite Marches.” The cover shows the trend of “Romanization of Chinese” in the type design industry during that time.
The lettering on the cover combines Chinese characters with rounded Roman letters, such as the character "进" (Jin) combines the letter “n”, and the character “行” (Xing) combines the letters “T” and “I”. The lettering is also close to the shape of some Western musical instruments, such as the character “曲” (Qu) designed to look like a curved trumpet.
Meanwhile, the lettering in English makes use of narrow sans serif letters with contrast, similar to hand-painted ones, which looks simple and not abrupt.