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Peace, be heard

Trattative di pace

Hiroshima Appeals “Golden butterfly”

Hiroshima Appeals “”Stamp posters with citizen participation

Hiroshima Appeals "Time to remember, 815."

Hiroshima Appeals “MAD DOG”

Hiroshima Appeals “negative flashing light”

Hiroshima Appeals “HEIWA OHASHI”

Hiroshima Appeals “The glare of the summer sun”

Hiroshima Appeals “Memory”

Chinese Child with Soldier of the Imperial Japanese Army

We Love Peace, . Shin Matsunaga松永真 (1988)

Peace 2011, Shin Matsunaga松永真 (1988)

Hiroshima Appeals 2007

“La Paz de Nixon/ La Paix de Nixon/Nixon's Peace” Cuban Anti- War Vietnam War Propaganda Map of Southeast Asia


The Bread Is for Peace (戦争に使うパンはない)

Peace. Ban the Nukes! 平和。核兵器を禁止せよ!

7Up pins

Harper’s Magazine (August 1966)

No More War 1968

Victory 1945

Hiroshima Appeals – Burning Butterflies

Hiroshima Appeals 1984

Hiroshima Appeals poster

Give Our Sea Back

China and Japan Are Like Brothers that Build East Asian Peace Together

Hiroshima Appeals 1986- Child with Dove

Hiroshima Appeals 1985- the earth

Hiroshima Appeals 1984- A Diversity of Birds

Hiroshima Appeals 1983 - Burning Butterflies

『FALLOUT』 (The Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs)


Love Peace Hiroshima appeals

I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier