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6th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition

Rei Naito: Emotion of Belief内藤礼 信の感情

Otis Elevator Exhibit, The Sky-Ride

The LOOP Show

Guide to Chicago and a Century of Progress Exposition2

The Disabled Avant-Garde Today Exhibition4

Proun Room (Prounenraum)

Romare Bearden Mint Museum Exhibition Billboard
The Revolution Will Be Archived
Celebrating the African-American Practitioners Absent From Way Too Many Classroom Lectures

Biological Specimens Artifact

New Impressions in American Letterpress

“Water for Life/A glass of water” (2005)

Food and Art Exhibition Poster (2012) - 食とアート展 ポスター

Art Towards Social Development


“PINK” by LAFORET Exhibition Posters3

"The Birth of Designers: Japanese Graphic Design in the 1950s" Exhibition Poster

Russell Mills, Within Without exhibition invitation card
Micro-Macro Typography Exhibition Poster

Graphic ’55 Exhibition poster (グラフィック '55)

Exhibition Makkintosho (「 マッキントッ書展」)5

ポスターグラフィックの現在 (Poster Graphic Present)

Laforet Harajuku “Electroplankton” Game Launch

The Grand Yokohama Exposition (1936)

Bauhaus Ausstellung Weimar Juli - August - September 1923

Freaks Exhibition フリークス展 1995

9th Contemporary Japanese Sculpture Exhibition

Osaka Expo'70 Design project

EXPO' 70


Expo ’70

In Pictures: The Explosive Colour of Japanese Poster Design

Al. G. Barnes Quality Circus of the World 2

Flower of Salt

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition proposal document
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition call for entries and poster5

SM Corneille Catalogue
Dutch Graphic Design: 1918–1945
Museum of Design Atlanta's World AIDS Day exhibit: a review of Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 exhibition
Unpublished interview with poster designer, Luba Lukova, 2001

Armin Hofmann Retrospective Exhibition: 40 Years of Graphic Design

Russell Mills: Within/Without Exhibition poster + newspaper review2

Massimo Vignelli: The Masters Series invitation2

Festival of Britain poster

ELLA show poster

caps group of companies

Triton Gallery
Exhibition Guide for African American Designers in Chicago: Art, Commerce and the Politics of Race4

“Neue Formen Expressiver Malerei Seit 1950”2

“Internationale Hygiene Ausstellung Dresden”


“Daylife Uncensored”5

“And She Told 2 Friends” 4
Kali Nakitas’ Exhibition, from “Design- Authorized Histories: Graphic Design at the Goldstein Museum of Design” 4

“5x5=25” exhibition catalog

“5x5=25” exhibition poster

Cover of “Bruce Nauman: exhibition catalogue and catalogue raisonné“2

“Collective Show Los Angeles 2011 Poster”9

Works in the Open Air

San Francisco Museum of Art program guide, March 19642

“Mike Kelley”

“Beat culture and the New America: 1950—1965”