“And She Told 2 Friends”

"And She Told Two Friends: An International Exhibit of Graphic Design by Women by Kali Nikitas, published by Michael Mendelson Books 1996 (First Edition). This is a catalogue of a 1996 Chicago exhibition featuring contemporary graphic design by women. Features examples of graphic design by 30 women, including April Greiman, Ellen Lupton, Anne Burdick, Irma Boom, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Andrea Wollensack, Deborah Littlejohn, Barbara Glaber, and more."— https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/1996-graphic-design-women-exhibit-30-401824218
“And She Told 2 Friends” 1
“And She Told 2 Friends” 2
“And She Told 2 Friends” 3
“And She Told 2 Friends” 4

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