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graphic design history

Linha do Tempo do Design Graphico no Brasil Book Cover (Brazilian Graphic Design Timeline)2

Next Logo

A Life In Letterpress

International Poster Annual, 1951

Toledo Berkel Express Weighing Machines
Coca Cola Logo 1887

Sebastião Rodrigues' “Almanaque” Magazine Covers

Alexandri AB Alexandro

Graphis Annual: The Essential 1952/19862

Harper's Weekly Newspaper n°4913

The Rambler: Evolution of a Nameplate42

Apollo Logo from NASA
Celebrating the African-American Practitioners Absent From Way Too Many Classroom Lectures
In the Late ’70s in the Bronx, PHASE 2’s Party Flyers Created a Visual Language for Hip-Hop
This Is Hardcore—The Huge Impact of a Niche Movement on Graphic Designers Today by Emily Gosling (AIGA Eye on Design, November 20, 2019)
Is There A Canon of Graphic Design History?
Can We Teach Graphic Design History Without Chronology?
Is A Design Canon Really Dangerous?
We Need Graphic Design Histories That Look Beyond the Profession
Can We Teach Graphic Design History Without Chronology?
Can We Teach Graphic Design History Without the Cult of Hero Worship?

Reklam-Konstruktor (Advertising Constructor)


Underworld cover by Tomato
A Personal Graphic Design History Reflection (Jovanna S.)

Beauty and the Beast Broadway Poster 19943

U&lc typeface advertisement

Bokura no Bungaku 2011 Music and Culture Festival by Akaoni Designs Studio

Kissing Doesn’t Kill: Greed and Indifference Do

Let Us Go Forward Together

Advertisement for the Famous-Barr Co.


The Movable Printing Press still influences modern designs today

Cigarette Ads play a part in America's Visual Identity

William Morris' Impact on Graphic Design

Off the Grid: Histories of Belgian graphic design5

Fruit Exporters' Union - اتحادیه صادر کنندگان میوه

I heart NY Patch

1969 Gamma Phi Circus program (33rd annual)4


CLT Graphic Design History: A Collective Research Effort, Volume 3
Grenada: Rescued from Rape and Slavery

Fundación IDA (Investigación en Diseño Argentino)2

Pantalones Cortos2

Jerome Snyder's Gouache Trace Overlay work on “The Byrds” Music Band Poster 5

Basel, The Computer and its Consequences: Interview with Wolfgang Weingart, AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 17, No. 2, 19995

Interview with Steven Heller translated into Turkish 20094

Interview with Steven Heller, Graphics International 74, 20003

Armin Hofmann Retrospective Exhibition: 40 Years of Graphic Design

Dutch Graphic Design: 1918–1945 exhibition poster and invitation postcards3

African-American Designers in Chicago

“Visual Puns in Design: The Pun Used As a Communication Tool” 7

Berman Collection 2

Exhibition documentation of “John & Marilyn Neuhart: An Archive of Mid- Century Graphic Design” 15

“New Short Route Harwich—Hoek van Holland”

“Noord Hollandsche Tramwegmy”

“Taking Credit: Film title sequences, 1955-1965”2

Timeline of Japanese Graphic Design: “Misruptions/Disruptions”