Apollo Logo from NASA


Vector Logo
July 1969

Pictured is the logo of the Apollo program, NASA’s mission to land men on the moon. 1 The “A” is the dominant shape. The crossbar of the “A” creates a path from left to right, moon to earth. This highlights president John F. Kennedy’s call to not only send men to the moon but also bring them back to earth.

The Greek God, Apollo, was selected for his stories of power and strength. One such telling shows Apollo riding flaming chariots across the sun.2

Illustration style contains much detail, a marked difference from today's Artemis logo. Illustration details can be seen in Apollo's face and the earth's continents. The sans serif typeface in the logo is irregular and slightly distorted. A certain playfulness or approachability is reflected. The “A” has a sharp apex and sharp bracket serifs to amplify feelings of ambition and determination.

1 “Apollo Missions Patches.” NASA, 8 February 2024.

2 Andrews, Bill. “Naming Apollo: Why NASA chooses Greek gods as names.” Astronomy Magazine, 31 May 2019.

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