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Italian Design

Franco Grignani, Multi-sensoriality between art, graphics and photography. 20192

typographie en mouvement

Give to the Nation: Subscription to the National Loan is Open until 1 March 1916

Gratian's "Decretum" commentated by Bartholomew of Brescia.2

ELAH Biancaneve

Posters of the Vittorio Veneto’s bacological establishments4

Sticker Federazione Lavoratori Aziende Elettriche Italiane

Federazione CGIL CISL/UIL membership card

Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori 83 card

Emo Lullo typographic badge

Lake Maggiore Ferry Ticket

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Polka

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Obstgenossenschaft Meran

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Luigi Martinelli

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: ESO - Erzeugerorganisation Südtiroler Obstproduzenten

Italian QSL Card


Futurist Manifesto

Italian 1930s Hotel Sticker

Durium 7 Inch Company Record Sleeve

Civita Castellana Produce7

Fiera Internazionale delle Attività Agrumarie, delle Essenze e degli Oli4

The land of Bergamo3

Chinol Aperitivo Poster6

LaCapaGira Movie Poster4

Mario Puppo: Campania Tourism Posters10

Balzer Poster

Nel Nome Del Rock posters3

Avellino Ultras Stickers23

CARONTE cartoons for “La Luna, giornale umoristico e di teatri”10

Acqua Fiuggi13

Per Voi Signora8

Cerchiamo un vero Copywriter

Depero for Campari2

Florence, Italy Postcard2

Milan, Italy Postcard2

Missale Romanum Typical Vatican Edition 311

La Donna-Oggetto in Pubblicità4

Punk Artist 10

Two ads for Cinzano

Atlante Secondo Lenin5

Cacao Perugina advertisement

Knoll Gavina Group showroom 10