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Penguin Books 25th Anniversary Designs by Elizabeth Friedlander

Penguin Books 25th Anniversary Designs by Elizabeth Friedlander

Elizabeth Friedländer2
Color test

Color test

Starbucks Mugs designed by Nendo

Starbucks Mugs designed by Nendo3

Akihiro Yoshida1Nendo2
Akira (1988) Theatrical Poster 

Akira (1988) Theatrical Poster 3

Katsuhiro Otomo2
JFK Campaign Hand Drawn Iteration

JFK Campaign Hand Drawn Iteration

Harris Teeter Logo Progression

Harris Teeter Logo Progression

Luquire1Harris Teeter1
Crass symbol original drawing

Crass symbol original drawing

David King19
Antique Auto Show

Antique Auto Show2

Depero for Campari

Depero for Campari2

Fortunato Depero1
Sewing Pattern Package

Sewing Pattern Package

Simplicity Pattern Co.3
Layouts for the Dictionnaire Encyclopédique Quillet

Layouts for the Dictionnaire Encyclopédique Quillet2

Maximilien Vox1
United Farm Workers propaganda process sketches

United Farm Workers propaganda process sketches6

Sketch for United Farm Worker propaganda

Sketch for United Farm Worker propaganda5

American Indian Arts & Crafts Center newsletter paste-up mechanical

American Indian Arts & Crafts Center newsletter paste-up mechanical3

Lusitania, lowercase ‘c’, hard copy bitmap output 

Lusitania, lowercase ‘c’, hard copy bitmap output 

Ladislas Mandel2
Working proof for the design of the typeface Antique Press

Working proof for the design of the typeface Antique Press

Ladislas Mandel2
London Underground bullseye [roundel] Design

London Underground bullseye [roundel] Design

London Transport Museum1
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition proposal document

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition proposal document

Steven McCarthy8
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions logo explorations

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions logo explorations

Steven McCarthy8
Model and Proposed Commemorative Poster for Opening of CalArts

Model and Proposed Commemorative Poster for Opening of CalArts6

Keith Godard6
Set of three preparatory layouts of forms for the French Ministry of Finance 

Set of three preparatory layouts of forms for the French Ministry of Finance 3

Information Graphics75
Original marked-up artwork for a commercial catalogue

Original marked-up artwork for a commercial catalogue

B. Arnaud (Villeurbanne)5
Layout for a French Tide washing powder advertisement

Layout for a French Tide washing powder advertisement

B. Arnaud (Villeurbanne)5
Study for the Embarcadero Historical and Interpretive Signage project in San Francisco

Study for the Embarcadero Historical and Interpretive Signage project in San Francisco

Michael Manwaring3
Converse General Brochure design sketch by Michael Manwaring

Converse General Brochure design sketch by Michael Manwaring

Michael Manwaring3
Cardboard mockup for a super graphic gilded sunburst designed by Michael Manwaring

Cardboard mockup for a super graphic gilded sunburst designed by Michael Manwaring

erik schmitt1
Jaime Serra Archive of his Whale infographic for Clarín Newspaper

Jaime Serra Archive of his Whale infographic for Clarín Newspaper3

Magazine688Illustration314mixed media11
Jaime Serra1
Sketch for Hallelujah Holiday Card for Creative Papers

Sketch for Hallelujah Holiday Card for Creative Papers

Elizabeth Resnick Design10
52bluecandyhearts Logo Sketches

52bluecandyhearts Logo Sketches

Adam Widener1
Ressurection / Lifetime / Strife / Unbroken at Macondo | July 26, 1992

Ressurection / Lifetime / Strife / Unbroken at Macondo | July 26, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Samiam / Sensefield / Still Life at Macondo | October 11, 1992

Samiam / Sensefield / Still Life at Macondo | October 11, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Incredible Hulk #330 Cover Original Art 

Incredible Hulk #330 Cover Original Art 

Comic Book70
Todd Mcfarlane1Tom Morgan1
The Neon Bat Review No. 3

The Neon Bat Review No. 3

Mel Rodgers1
Boomtown Rats Poster - Queen's Hall Leeds Poster Mock-up 

Boomtown Rats Poster - Queen's Hall Leeds Poster Mock-up 

Retouching negatives at Aberdeen People's Press

Retouching negatives at Aberdeen People's Press

Ian Baird1
Big Print (roughs)

Big Print (roughs)3

Punchcutting process

Punchcutting process

Warren Chappell2
Patterns for The Festival of Britain

Patterns for The Festival of Britain3

Festival Pattern Group1Helen Megaw1
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1995

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1995

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2002

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2002

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2001

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2001

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2000

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2000

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1999

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1999

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1998

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1998

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1997

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1997

Margo Halverson11
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1996

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1996

Margo Halverson11
Vanity Fair cover concept

Vanity Fair cover concept

Bea Feitler6
Embroidery Graphics from 1770

Embroidery Graphics from 1770

Charles Germain de Saint-Aubin1
Revlon ad

Revlon ad

Marilyn Holsinger2
Telop and Slide guide for WBAP-TV

Telop and Slide guide for WBAP-TV

“Cathedral” Vintage Contemporaries

“Cathedral” Vintage Contemporaries 6

Lorraine Louie2Random House5
New Mayan Alphabet

New Mayan Alphabet9

writing system4
Frida Larios1
Charlotte Hornets Logo

Charlotte Hornets Logo

George Shinn1Logos-World1
National Parks logo Sketch

National Parks logo Sketch

Aubrey Neesham1National Parks Service1
Olympic 1986 Environmental Graphics

Olympic 1986 Environmental Graphics6

Lance Wyman51968 Olympic Games4
1968 Olympics Signage

1968 Olympics Signage

1968 Olympic Games4
Lance Wyman - 1968 Olympics

Lance Wyman - 1968 Olympics

1968 Olympic Games4
Olympic Compass Sketch

Olympic Compass Sketch

Lance Wyman51968 Olympic Games4
Ken Garland Lecture

Ken Garland Lecture2

Dan Peterson1
Monoprint of numbers, letters and punctuation made on platen press

Monoprint of numbers, letters and punctuation made on platen press

Ken Garland6
Meebzork (5200): Atari

Meebzork (5200): Atari5

Video Game71
Marilyn Churchill2Atari 2
Harold and his Purple Crayon Video Game

Harold and his Purple Crayon Video Game

Video Game71
Marilyn Churchill2Harper and Row1
Sketch for “A Century of Negro Progress” Ad

Sketch for “A Century of Negro Progress” Ad

Eugene Winslow8American Negro Emancipation Centennial Authority2
Sketch for Thermoid Tires Ad

Sketch for Thermoid Tires Ad2

Thermoid Rubber Company, R. C. Maxwell Company1

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