Babyteeth Typeface


This is a popular retro typeface called Babyteeth that most of modern society has seen before. This font emerged in the 60s, after being created by artist Milton Glaser, a graphic designer born in the Bronx, NY. I feel confident saying that most Americans over the age of (at least) 10 have all seen Glaser's work. If you think you haven't, let me change your mind. Glaser is the mind behind the I♥NY logo we've all seen, whether in New York or not. 

Babyteeth was used by Glaser on a Bob Dylan poster he designed in 1967, and since then, this font rose to popularity and has been in use since. Glaser states that his inspiration for the font derived from a hand-painted sign he saw in Mexico, however,  Babyteeth was bolder and had a more “soviet” flare to it. 

Babyteeth was heavily in use on album covers, signage, and more in its prime. This font is a a staple of the late 60s and 70s decade. 

Babyteeth Typeface

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