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political graphics

Television coverage of election night, 1952

I Like Ike bumper stickers

Obama “Hope” Poster (2008)

Copy of Book cover of Asad Family

How the Government Dealth With Past Recessions

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

Food Advocate, Seattle, WA, Aug-Sept 1980

Hello Democrats, Welcome to Chicago poster

Fag Rag
Propaganda and the Graphic Arts

“Is This How You Think Wide Open?”

The Beginning is Near
The Role of Graphic Design in Commemorating Tragedy: Bath, Michigan School Bombing

Hiroshima Appeals 2007

Flyer for a rally in support of Angela Davis

Group of voting leaflets: “Don't Gripe Later”; “You've Got It, Use It!”; and “I Can't Vote Because I Am a Dog.”3

Unity Now poster

Power to the People, Dhoruba N.Y. Panther 21 Arm

Move On Over or We'll Move On Over You

Vote Yes, AFL Pin3
“By the Street of Bye-and-Bye One Arrives at the House of Never” (signed)3


Merry Christmas - Direction Magazine Cover Vol. 3 No. 9

Mexico 68

Poster for Obama campaign in 2012

New Masses

Radical Criminology: A Manifesto

The Bread Is for Peace (戦争に使うパンはない)

Barack Obama's Berlin Speech Poster

JFK Campaign Hand Drawn Iteration

David King archive6

The Black Scholar, Vol. 9 No. 3

Science for the People, Vol. 2, No. 2

The Rican: A Journal of Contemporary Puerto Rican Thought

“The Underwater Cabaret”9

The Fighting Filipinos

Pedro Albizu Campos: Leader of the Independence Movement

Socialist magazine, published by the Socialist Party USA, Editor Andrew Hammer, Volume XX Issue 3, May/June 1994.3

Recruithing Poster 179th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
German Nazi Party’s identity manual

Editorial cartoon for June 1898 issue of Vim magazine

Communist Contagion

Aids is Not a Game Game

Bhopal 2

Your Guide to Voting

Augusto Augusto Augusto7

Avellino Ultras Stickers23

Happy Earth Day

Human Rights - Living Together

Hiroshima Appeals 1983

Human Rights week, Poster

Black Panther Party logo

Reagan Bush '84 Campaign Poster

Kennedy For President Poster

May 1968, Supporters of Senator Robert F. Kennedy listen to him speak at Los Angeles Valley College

Reagan Bush '84 Button

Veterans Vote Regan-Bush '84

Reagan Bush '84 Bumper Sticker

Reagan Bush 1984 Bumper Stickers

2009 President Barack Obama 44th President Poster2

Four Dark Days in History - Collector’s Edition Kennedy Assassination 19636

I'm For Nixon and Lodge Political Pin

Give Our Sea Back