

Poster was designed for Bhopal by Rahul Varma. The play critiques political and economic injustice in third world countries like India.


“This intense, poignant play brings to life the human stories within the complex political and economic milieu that created the worst industrial disaster the world has ever known” — Stanford Arts

 “On the night of December 3rd 1984, Union Carbide’s pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, exploded, engulfing the city in a billow of deadly poisonous fumes.  Small children fell like flies, and men and women vainly scurried for safety only to collapse, breathless and blinded by the gas. By sunset, the death toll was 2,500. By the following day, numbers had no meaning. Bhopal had became the largest peacetime gas chamber in history.” — from the preface to Bhopal by Rahul Varma

Rahul Varma is the co-founder of Teesri Duniya Theatre (Teesri Duniya means third world in Hindi), which is a professional, multicultural company that produces socially relevant theatre examining issues of cultural representation and diversity in Canada. 


Archana Shekara is an Indian American  graphic designer, researcher, creative director, and educator. She is a full Professor of Graphic Design, and Creative Director of Design Streak Studio, a research based social innovation lab focusing on human-centered service design at Illinois State University. She uses design as a tool to build cross-cultural understanding, acceptance, and respect. As a socio-cultural researcher, she investigates her transnational identity by understanding racial equity through a brown cultural lens and creates critical awareness using ethnographic narratives. Her medium for creative expression takes on various forms such as type design, curating immersive participatory experiences, interactive installations using mixed and various emerging digital media which evoke multi-sensory responses. Shekara’s design research interests, and scholarship in pedagogy includes cultural identity, design for belonging, social justice, and community engagement.

Bhopal  1
Poster for Bhopal, Archana Shekara
Poster for Bhopal, Archana Shekara

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