Reagan Bush 1984 Bumper Stickers


One effective way for politicians to reach a large audience is by creating mass-produced products, such as pens, buttons, and bumper stickers, to aid their campaign efforts. President Reagans was a well liked man and popular candidate with the people. The election was momentous due to the massive turnout while. As well as his aspirations and goals were bold and prospective at a time when the US needed. Reagan and the republican party won the 1980 election by majority vote and he set out to do all the reforms he promised. Through his presidency he not only kept his popularity it increased making him a good candidate for the following term. In 1984 he won more than 17 million popular votes with 525 electoral votes. This picture showcase three versions of the bumper stickers that were widely distributed throughout the whole country. 

Reagan Bush 1984 Bumper Stickers
Source: jpg