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No Longer Heroine2
Book cover of OVERKILL3
Asia Pacific Design No. 910

Los Logos Compass3

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business3

Parting It Out: Writings on Graphic Design3

Lust, Commerce, and Corruption: An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard3

The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama3
Outside the Box- Hand Drawn Packaging from Around the World3

Graffiti Japan Cover Design3

Less Colors, More Impact Cover Design3

Patternalia by Jude Stewart, Cover Design3
idea Magazine Cover (アイデア)4
Graphic 14: Work & Run - Young Studios3

Another World of Rune もうひとつの内藤ルネ7

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - The Art of Eorzea - Another Dawn5

Sensitive Content
SNAX Club Flyer by Benedikt Rugar3

UNC Charlotte Alumni and Friends Magazine Cover

Oz Fest: A Celebration of Australia and India10

Kiffe Kiffe Demain Book Cover Concepts4

Alfred Hitchcock Book Covers4

POW! Right in the Kisser

Radical Criminology: A Manifesto

Lady Gaga “ARTPOP” Album Art2

Outdoor shop sign for a driving school

Lana Del Rey “Born To Die” CD4

1 in 7 gay men on the London gay scene has HIV

Martha Stewart Living Cover

We're Losing Our Competitive Edge

Portrait of Miki Kato

“Salmon Fishing in the Yemen”2

Logo for Garden Club of Irvington3

“675 Words about Design @ 35,000 Feet” Article from “Print” Magazine

“Digital Media Lecture Series”

“Go Vegan and nobody gets hurt”

Cover of The New York Times Magazine, November 13, 2011

“She who takes fear from the trees” Book Design6

“Idiocracy” film world-building graphics11

“Invisible Writing” excerpt 2, 3, 4

Single Wing Turquoise Bird's light show photos by Dana Ross2

Single Wing Turquoise Bird's light show photos by Andy Romanoff4

Identity for “TV Commune” exhibition5