Lana Del Rey “Born To Die” CD


Lana Del Rey's sophomore album, "Born To Die," was her first to be released by a major record label. The album was significant for its nostalgic sound, reminiscent of music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The album cover is also iconic, with recognizable photography and a font mixing and style that evokes a vintage feel. The use of red, blue, and creamy off-white colors creates the picturesque visuals of the romanticism that the album portrays, with the roses on the CD bringing it all together. The typeface Steelfish, used for all the headline and title fonts throughout the packaging of the CD, was commonly used in newspaper headlines in the early 20th century, reflecting the same era that the album draws inspiration from.

Ewens, Hannah, and Nick Reilly. 2023. “Lana Del Rey: She Does It for the Girls.” Rolling Stone UK. March 8, 2023. to an external site..

‌Hall, Stephanie. 2014. “Love Songs at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century | Folklife Today.” February 14, 2014. to an external site..

Morton, Melissa. “Graphic Design, Music and Sound in the BBC’s Channel Idents, 1991–2021.” Critical Studies in Television 17, no. 2 (2022): 117–34. doi:10.1177/17496020211067736.

Nast, Condé. 2023. “From the Archive: When Vogue Met Lana Del Rey in Her ‘Born to Die’ Era.” British Vogue. March 22, 2023. to an external site.

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