Contribution Date

Maskottchen (Mascot)

McDonald's ‘SpeeDee’ Metal Lapel Pin2

Repo Record's Record Guy Character Design

Pepe Meme



University of Alabama “Roll Tide” Car Tag
70's Aunt Jemima Syrup Label

Hyakuman-san Mascot Design

National Bohemian Pale Beer can2

Baltimore Orioles Logo9

Hatsune Miku V2 Program Box7

Baltimore Colts 1953-1960 Logo

The Si Si (1956)16

Beijing Summer Olympics 2008 Mascots and Logo Poster
Spoon Magazine Vol. 6 “Let’s learn Karate and English with Parappa.”

Ato, Kaz, and Nik

The March of Koalas'

Korea Postage Stamps 3

Yale School of Art

Want Want logo design2

Every Burger Package 3

Duke Power Company ad

1980 Olympic Protest Poster

Our Motto is Peace

You Are Welcome!