The People’s Graphic Design Archive is a crowd-sourced virtual archive that aims to expand, diversify, and preserve graphic design history. It includes finished projects, process, correspondence, oral histories, articles, and other material in the form of images, documents, videos, audio, as well as links to other relevant archives and websites (—).
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Design Lecture Series with Sheila Levrant de Bretteville

Chicago Bulls 1991-1992 Championship T-Shirt3

Tamasha - تماشا

Free Peltier

"Emotion of Hanzi" Chinese Character poster Series: Mountain, Water, Wind, Clouds4

Nazereth, The Fool Circle

Verpfuschter Zahn, Verpfuschte Gesundheit, Zahntechniker-Initiative, Nein

Jordan 6 Rings2

“This is a better policy than this”2

SVA Senior Library8

Voice of the Lumpen; no. 12

Reklam-Konstruktor (Advertising Constructor)

Jazz Playing by Harvey Brown-Number 15 in the series “A Curriculum of the Soul”

Rubber Duck illustration

Say! Young in Shinjuku Playmap (1970) by Heikichi Harata 言う!新宿の若者プレイマップ

Cue magazine cover; “Star Struck”2

Dr. Cambou Dentist Catalog and Business Card

Fiddler On The Roof Vinyl Record2

Black God, White Devil (Deus e o diabo na terra do sol)

GUIDE Movie Posters4

"Otome no Minato"

The Avon Collection

Revlon ad


Woman and Russia

Red Cross International: International Movement for the Red Cross and Red Crescent promotional poster

Original maquette for the 1982 Cultural Freebee Jam flyer, with the printed flyer

“Jiffy” Baking Mix-The little blue and white box5

The Morning After

1974 New Music Media, New Magic Media

Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Vinyl Record5

Family: The Volk Corporation
“Trade Talk/ Art Directors/ Art & Design” 2

Power to The Working Class

Talking Heads -Speaking in Tongues2

Advertisement for Pirelli Tires

The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution

A-ha single LP packaging2

On Wheels

La lanterne aux pivoines - Ad

Camera Poster3

Another World of Rune もうひとつの内藤ルネ7

Lego packaging4

Stadt Theater Basel

“No More Chemical Spray” a poem by Albert Glover with drawing by Guy Berard.

The Black Panther; vol. 4, no. 132

“Sunset Pink”2

Letters to Myself exhibition photos6
“TV Cuts” 2

Off Our Back, vol. 2, no. 72

Photos of Neuhart House25

“Hot Space” Album Cover by Queen

アイデアIdea 54
Brasil Designs article
“Angelus Furniture Manufacturing Company” 2

Swan Lake Ballet by Tchaikovsky- دریاچهٔ قو- یک باله از چایکوفسکی2
Graphic Means Documentary Recalls the Days When Design was Made by Hand

Win Peace and Freedom Through Nonviolent Action; vol. 10, no. 3

“Six More” catalog cover

Russell Athletics Space Camp sweatshirt

“give the gang our best”

Crank by Ellen Hopkins5