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Diseño Grafico en Puerto Rico

"Columbus" Typeface by Patricia Saunders
Gladys O'Rourke Obituary

Tribute to Li Hung Chang, The Sunday Call, 1901

Intertitle from ‘The Kid’ (1921)
The Best Design Books of 2021
Graphic Means Documentary Recalls the Days When Design was Made by Hand

Designer, Educator, and Filmmaker Briar Levit on Uncovering Untold Stories From Design History
The History Books Often Overlook Women in Design. A New One Seeks to Finally Give Them Their Due

The People's Graphic Design Archive is Rethinking How We Talk about Design History
Design History 101: What You (Still) Don't Know About Psycho
Looking Back on Muriel Cooper’s Visions of the Future
Celebrating Söre Popitz, the Bauhaus’ Only Known Woman Graphic Designer

FIFA World Cup 2002 Japan Korea Logo

Queen City Cover


The Evisen Times 5th edition5

Ramona Soda Candy

Meiji Chocolate ‘Melty Kiss’ 1980 design

Japanese Package Design Exhibition

Cute Packaging: Tohato Caramel Corn.

Kit Kat (History, Marketing, Flavors & Commercials)

Great Americans Magazine

American Fabrics Fall 1972 Issue 958

Vogue: Coronation Number

An Olympic Torch Runner

Charlotte's Queen City Logo Evolution
Typewriting on the Sky

Madonna's MDNA Tour

『FALLOUT』 (The Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs)

Health is for the body, for the country

In Pictures: The Explosive Colour of Japanese Poster Design

Psychedelic Movement!

The rules of typography according to crackpots / experts

A Graphic Artist Depicts her LSD ‘Trip’2
Propaganda and the Graphic Arts: Influencing Public Opinion for National Unity
The Coloring of Jazz: Race and Record Cover Design in American Jazz, 1950 to 1970
Eugène Grasset (1894-1917)
Museum of Design Atlanta's World AIDS Day exhibit: a review of Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 exhibition

The Art of Trinidad and Tobago5

Basel, The Computer and its Consequences: Interview with Wolfgang Weingart, AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 17, No. 2, 19995

Cameras bring Hmong history to life

Cajun Queen Ad2

“Keep Your Eyes Open” Jan van Toorn on Dutch Design Education AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 18, No. 1, 20003

"Status and Academe" AIGA Journal of Graphic Design Vol. 18, No. 1, 20002
A! Diseno no. 77, John Maeda interview in Spanish, 2006
Reputations: John Maeda, EYE 37, Vol. 10, Autumn 2000
Interview: Wolfgang Weingart: Question on Typographic Education, IDEA Magazine 283, 2000

Beijing 2008
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1995
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1993
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2002
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2001

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 2000
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1999
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1998
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1997
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1996
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1994
Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1992
Digital Typography at Stanford

Waxhaw, Famous Old Section of Country2

“How To Make a Magazine”2