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Movement -New Order

Soviet Commercial Design of the Twenties, M Anikst, E Chernevich, 1987

Poster for Dobrolet Airlines

Constructivist Stage Design

Proun Room (Prounenraum)

Mavo, Issue 6

The Amsterdam International (Amsterdamskii international). Poster no. 5 from the series History of the International Trade Union Movement (Istoriia mizhnarodnoho profruhu)


Rezinotrest Galoshes (Galoshes advertisements)2

Söre Popitz's Graphic Designer

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All the Songs from Walt Disney's Uncle Remus

Demonstration announcement

City Limits

City Limits

Permanent red, essays in seeing

Vladimir Mayakovsky: three views3


Time Out

City Limits

Walter Benjamin. or towards a revolutionary criticism

Geometric surface design

“Death of Tarelkin” poster

“Death of Tarelkin” costume

Geometric surface design

“5x5=25” exhibition catalog

“5x5=25” exhibition poster

Ten Years of Uzbekistan

Through the Red and White Spectacles

Kino-fot, No. 3

“Mountain Paths” cover

Caricature, Alexander Rodchenko

Self-caricature, Varvara Stepanova

Soviet Cinema, No. 1

Mossel’prom Ira cigarettes Advertisement

Sobranie stikhotvorenii. Tom 4. Stikhi 1926-1929(Collected poems, vol. 4, Verse 1926-1929)

State Department Store (GUM) lightbulbs Advertisement

Sports Uniform

“Through Red and White Glasses”

Textile Design 4, Step 4

“Three Geometric Fabric Designs: Red/Blue, Green/Fuchsia”

Berman Collection 2


Moscow Design Museum

Berlin: Symphony of a Great City; Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis Film Poster