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Lens Media Lab Institute for the Preservation Cultural Heritage

The Landlord's Game4

Golden Age Posters Vintage Posters

Deborah Sussman Collection

CalArts Women’s Design Program reference materials21

PLAT Japanese Design Archive Survey

What Scholarship Looks Like3

Flag for a Buffalo Soldier chapter of the National Indian War Veterans

I Am a Man, Memphis

Famous Negroes of Alabama

Poster for the Black Arts Movement play "A Black Time for Black Folk"

Poster for the Black Arts Movement play “To Raise the Dead and Foretell the Future.”

Group of voting leaflets: “Don't Gripe Later”; “You've Got It, Use It!”; and “I Can't Vote Because I Am a Dog.”3

Cracking the Color Line: Non-Violent Direct Action Methods of Eliminating Racial Discrimination

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, August 28, 1963: We Shall Overcome

“Civil Rights Now!” pennant from the March on Washington

Come Let Us Build a New World Together.

The Negro Travelers’ Green Book2

Black Power: Group of 6 posters6

Unity Now poster

Power to the People, Dhoruba N.Y. Panther 21 Arm

Move On Over or We'll Move On Over You

50: The Golden Anniversary of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Civil Rights

The King of Soul cover illustration for Black Theatre #32

Black Theatre Issue, The Drama Review (TDR)7

Sight Sound event flyer

Black Liberation Print 2

David King archive6

National Canning Museum digital archive (Portugal)5

Elaine Lustig Cohen website

International DaDa Archive

“The Underwater Cabaret”9

Branding Style Guides repository
Exhibition directory for African American Designers in Chicago: Art, Commerce and the Politics of Race

Experimental Video playlist4

Calendar with Portrait of Sara Spencer Washington

Calendar with Portrait of Sara Spencer Washington

Invitation for “Black Artists in the New York Scene”

The Freedom Archives

“The Night Time Is The Right Time – N.Y.C. Nightclub Ephemera, 1980s”

Punk publication archive

Women in Book History Bibliography

Wayfinding Signage for IBM Pavilion, New York World’s Fair (five works)6

Untitled (from the Bonjour Max Ernst portfolio)
Model and Proposed Commemorative Poster for Opening of CalArts6
Corita Kent decorator panels for office furniture

Immaculate Heart High School yearbook 196622

Grafis Nusantra, archive of vintage Indonesian labels & stickers
The Coloring of Jazz: Race and Record Cover Design in American Jazz, 1950 to 1970

Poster, Number 2

Film Art Archive: Quarterly Publications14

Invitation for Issey Miyake runway show2


Blog Post: Designing the California Bear Flag4

Video: Exploring Cherokee History: Sequoyah & The Syllabary2

The Native Graphic Designers Project—Historic Designers2

Architecture Magazine Library

Feria de Artesanias de Barranquitas2

11th Fiesta de Artesanias de Barranquitas

Book: Latin American Graphics 2

Preserving Guerrilla Television archive4

Rafic Farah's poster for “30 posters on Environment and Development” U.N. Rio Conference, 1992