Golden Age Posters Vintage Posters


From the site: was founded by Tim Mills who has been an avid collector and dealer of vintage posters and paper ephemera for more than 25 years. More than ten years ago, Tim took what had been a much loved and all-consuming hobby and made it a full-time vocation and in the process found out there is truth in the old saying “find a job you’ll love and you’ll never work a day in your life”.

We love the hunt and wish we never had to sell anything. Unfortunately, that is not a sustainable approach so we created the website to serve our long-standing customers and to help find new customers.

Tim and his team work hard to bring quality vintage posters and quality paper ephemera to everyone from the most serious advanced collectors to those that just want something cool to hang on the wall.

For us, finding, researching, marketing, spinning yarns and sometimes even selling vintage posters and paper ephemera of historical and collectible value really is a “labor of love”. We hope you will join us on the journey.

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