The Native Graphic Designers Project—Historic Designers


From the site “About” text: “The Native Graphic Design Project is headed by me, Neebinnaukhzhik Southall, a member of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation. For more information on me, head over to my main website.

I am passionate about the intersection of Native cultures and graphic design. Art, philosophy, and cultural movements have long cross-pollinated. Indigenous ideologies, visual systems, and aesthetics can and do inform the process of design. I believe that graphic design can be used by Native communities for positive impact. I think it’s important that Native people speak and create for themselves, especially when Native cultures and art forms continue to be co-opted.

The roots of this project began with my graphic design senior thesis at Oregon State University.

To give you a little background to my motivations, below are some writing excerpts from my senior project from over 10 years ago now, which I feel are still applicable. (Note: I used the terms First Nations, Native American, Native, and Indian interchangeably to refer to the same groups of people.)”—

The Native Graphic Designers Project—Historic Designers 1
The Native Graphic Designers Project—Historic Designers 2