Cracking the Color Line: Non-Violent Direct Action Methods of Eliminating Racial Discrimination


From Swann Galleries site:

Numerous text illustrations. 24 printed pages. Octavo, 8¾ x 5¾ inches, original glossy stock in red and black, minimal wear; New York: Congress of Racial Equality, [1963]

Additional details:
A lively narrative of some of CORE's most successful actions from its 1942 founding onward. Features an introductory endorsement from Martin Luther King on the inside wrapper: "I like what CORE is doing. . . . CORE puts before people's eyes a new way of acting. You say and you show that feelings about segregation are silly, that customs can change without disaster following, and that this is the time to change them. And you proceed to demonstrate. Here is a method of achieving social change which we all may use." Undated, but described as "just published" in the 21 March 1963 Brooklyn Eagle. None traced at auction.

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