Contribution Date
Bank note

Henry Steiner's HSBC Banknote Deisgn (1985)2

French Indochina 100 Piastres

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note, with Shotoku Taishi

The Smallest Japanese Note

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note with a Blank backs (裏白札)

Art nouveau-style Silver-convertible Note (アールヌーヴォー調 日本銀行兌換券)

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note (日本銀行兌換銀券)

The Remodeled Note (改造紙幣/神功皇后札)

National Bank Note (新国立銀行紙幣/水兵札)

National Bank Note (旧国立銀行紙幣)

German Note (ゲルマン紙幣/明治通宝)

€5 note3