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How Feminist Movements Co-opt Graphic Design to Express Themselves

How Feminist Movements Co-opt Graphic Design to Express Themselves

Madeleine Morley7
Ladies of the Canyon by Joni Mitchell

Ladies of the Canyon by Joni Mitchell

Album Art428
Joni Mitchell4
The Genius of Dookie

The Genius of Dookie

Album Art428
Richie Bucher1
Statements by Evangelion Staff

Statements by Evangelion Staff

Emigre #26: All Fired Up 

Emigre #26: All Fired Up 10

Rudy Vanderlans8Zuzana Licko14
David King archive

David King archive6

Rick Poynor2Simon Esterson1
Common Sense

Common Sense

Propaganda and the Graphic Arts: Influencing Public Opinion for National Unity

Propaganda and the Graphic Arts: Influencing Public Opinion for National Unity

Frederick G. Rudge2
Visible Trace

Visible Trace

Meaghan Dee3
Twenty-Six, 26, A Journal about Type and Typography from Agfa, Agfa Postscript Quarterly Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1990

Twenty-Six, 26, A Journal about Type and Typography from Agfa, Agfa Postscript Quarterly Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, 199010

Gary Koepke1Bruce McIntosh1
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition poster essay by Steven McCarthy

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition poster essay by Steven McCarthy

Steven McCarthy8
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition proposal document

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition proposal document

Steven McCarthy8
Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition call for entries and poster

Designer as Author: Voices and Visions exhibition call for entries and poster5

Steven McCarthy8
Museum of Design Atlanta's World AIDS Day exhibit: a review of Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 exhibition

Museum of Design Atlanta's World AIDS Day exhibit: a review of Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 exhibition

Jeremy Helton1
Cause-Oriented Design: Interview with Elizabeth Resnick, 2008

Cause-Oriented Design: Interview with Elizabeth Resnick, 2008

Gina Deschamps1
“Keep Your Eyes Open” Jan van Toorn on Dutch Design Education AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2000

“Keep Your Eyes Open” Jan van Toorn on Dutch Design Education AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 18, No. 1, 20003

Elizabeth Resnick64Steven Heller18
A! Diseno no. 77, John Maeda interview in Spanish, 2006

A! Diseno no. 77, John Maeda interview in Spanish, 2006

Elizabeth Resnick64Félix Béltran1
Reputations: John Maeda, EYE 37, Vol. 10, Autumn 2000

Reputations: John Maeda, EYE 37, Vol. 10, Autumn 2000

Elizabeth Resnick64John Walters1
Skolos Wedell: In Tandem, Graphis 345, May/June 2003

Skolos Wedell: In Tandem, Graphis 345, May/June 2003

Elizabeth Resnick64Laetitia Wolff1
Interview: Wolfgang Weingart: Question on Typographic Education, IDEA Magazine 283, 2000

Interview: Wolfgang Weingart: Question on Typographic Education, IDEA Magazine 283, 2000

Elizabeth Resnick64
Paul Rand: The Movie, AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1998

Paul Rand: The Movie, AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Vol. 16, No. 2, 19982

Elizabeth Resnick64Steven Heller18
“675 Words about Design @ 35,000 Feet” Article from “Print” Magazine

“675 Words about Design @ 35,000 Feet” Article from “Print” Magazine

Ellen Shapiro6
“Design Research: Methods and Perspectives”

“Design Research: Methods and Perspectives”2

Brenda Laurel4Anne Burdick2


Laurie Haycock Makela7P. Scott Makela5
“Reputations: Lorraine Wild”

“Reputations: Lorraine Wild”

Lorraine Wild14Louise Sandhaus35
2006 AIGA Medalist Lorraine Wild

2006 AIGA Medalist Lorraine Wild

Louise Sandhaus35Susan Yelavich1
“That was Then, and This is Now: But What is Next?“

“That was Then, and This is Now: But What is Next?“

Lorraine Wild14Emigre, Inc.1
Martha Scotford Research + Writing

Martha Scotford Research + Writing

Research & Writing site1
Martha Scotford4
A Secret History of Design in Los Angeles

A Secret History of Design in Los Angeles2

Michael McDonough1Gere Kavanaugh16
“AD’s Conspicuous For Creativity” article

“AD’s Conspicuous For Creativity” article2

“Taking Credit: Film title sequences, 1955-1965”

“Taking Credit: Film title sequences, 1955-1965”2

Emily King1
Emigre magazine downloads

Emigre magazine downloads

Rudy Vanderlans8Mr. Keedy1
Cover of IDEA magazine, no.156, “The 3rd NAAC Exhibition”

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.156, “The 3rd NAAC Exhibition”

Deborah Sussman16Yoshihisa Ishihara2
Cover of IDEA magazine, no.109

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.109

Annegret Beier1Hiroshi Ohchi2
Cover of IDEA magazine, no.256

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.256

Jonathan Barnbrook2Seibundo Shinkosha Co.,Ltd.6
“No More Heroes: Why is design history so obsessed by appearance?“

“No More Heroes: Why is design history so obsessed by appearance?“

Bridget Wilkins1Eye magazine1

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