2006 AIGA Medalist Lorraine Wild
- Louise Sandhaus 35 Author
- Susan Yelavich Author
- Article 578
- digital 154
"Insightful, gifted, and ever mindful of the professional conscience, Lorraine Wild has changed both the face and voice of graphic design in the United States. Her accomplishments are unequivocal. From the inception of her career, she has brought her considerable intellect and creativity equally to graphic design practice, education, and history. Fluently traversing the realms of design and writing, of personal sensibility and social circumstance, Lorraine recognizes design both as a body of knowledge and a pursuit of knowledge. At heart, she is a negotiator. In her studio practice, she demonstrates the power of understatement as an artful means of binding form and content; in her teaching and writing, she wields the eloquence of polemic to engage her colleagues and students in an ongoing examination of their collective project."—https://www.aiga.org/medalist-lorrainewild