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Mid-Century modernism

Chicago’s Famous Buildings 4

Yates Paul, His Grand Flights, His Tootings

Maker of Heaven and Earth

The Game of Dostoevsky

Battle for Manhattan

Before the Mayflower


Awards presentation program brochure

Flyer publicising the annual French printing trade fair.

Beige Room Revue matchbook

Beige Room Revue

Glory! Hallelujah! Poster

Hairspray Title Sequence

Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium Title Sequence
The Power of Positive Praying

The Back-Up Plan Title Sequence

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Title Sequence
Catch Me If You Can Opening Title Sequence

The B-52's “Whammy!”3

Architecture Magazine Library

Paul Rand: American Original Lecture Event

That They May Have Life

Junior Art Council Newsletter covers2