Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Title Sequence


This title sequence is from the 2005 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Starring Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer, this movie was produced by Silver Pictures. It is partially based on the book, Bodies Are Where You Find Them by Brett Halliday. The film follows Hollywood stars as their alleged method acting style results in a true crime.

The title sequence was created by Danny Yount, an American graphic designer who has produced many renowned title sequences outside of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It is in the 1960s style that is reminiscent of titles created by Saul Bass. The color palette of black, rusty red, and off-white sets the scene of the movie perfectly. The graphics line up with the music to add extra interest to the sequence. This sequence was named a top 50 title sequence of all time by IFC.

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Title Sequence
Source: Silver Pictures