Contribution Date

“Egyptian Hierogliphs ” by Edward Sanders, Number 17 in the series “A Curriculum of the Soul”


Hi-Lo's - And All That Jazz

Strelka typo/graphic posters

Underworld cover by Tomato

Theatre poster at the Poster Biennale in Warsaw 田中一光

Korakuen Jumbo Pool poster

Noh play poster


Mitsuchika on the Battlefield of Yamazaki 山崎古戦場の満親

Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori 83 card

OSAKA in Hamburg ハンブルクの大阪

今竹七郎Flower Checks

The 5th Exhibition of Contemporary Japanese Sculpture

Chinatown VHS tape2

Patsy Cline 45rpm Vinyl, “I Fall to Pieces” and “Crazy” ft. Willie Nelson2

J&M Iron Bowl Ticket poster

Ryosen 稜線 (Geographical Lines)3

Nippon Kobo


Ryuko Tsushin Extra Issue “GRAPHIC”

Shiseido Sun Oil Poster


The Civilised Woman

Parco Department Store advertisement

Haruomi Hosono “S-F-X” album cover

Grand Bazaar Summer “Summer Santa” advertisement

Parco Love Saves Many advertisement

“Design for Public Institutions in the Netherlands” book cover

Pond's Face Cream "Beautiful women of the world" print advertisement

虚像未来図 Kyojō Mirai Zukanki
Persian Calligraphy

Persian Calligraphy

Ignited Memories, The 1875 Matchbox Scrapbook16