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National Museums Union

National Museums Union4

Afrouz Razavi4
SeaPrime Logo and Stationery

SeaPrime Logo and Stationery8

Logo291Logotype26Visual Identity25
Michael Lewis Pacey2
Pepsi-Cola: a 100 year retrospective

Pepsi-Cola: a 100 year retrospective2

Beverage Industry Magazine1
Museum of Modern Art Brand Identity Change and Logo Re-Design

Museum of Modern Art Brand Identity Change and Logo Re-Design3

Identity System16Visual Identity25
Paula Scher9
Oz Fest: A Celebration of Australia and India

Oz Fest: A Celebration of Australia and India10

Poster1854Booklet100website49Publication157Logo291Flyer130Program73Catalog85Postcard138Brochure67Signage67Flyer/poster50Print267Notebook2Identity System16Visual Identity25Bag5
Ishan Khosla16Samridh Seth1
Visual identity for National Art Center Tokyo 

Visual identity for National Art Center Tokyo 

Visual Identity25
Kashiwa Satoh1
Visual identity for Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

Visual identity for Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

Visual Identity25
Masayoshi Nakajo5
Baltimore Orioles Logo

Baltimore Orioles Logo9

Stan Walsh1
Cigarette Ads play a part in America's Visual Identity 

Cigarette Ads play a part in America's Visual Identity 

Lucky Strike, R. C. Maxwell Company2
 Beijing Summer Olympics 2008 Mascots and Logo Poster

 Beijing Summer Olympics 2008 Mascots and Logo Poster

Visual Identity25
Han Meilin1


Roger Excoffon3
P&O Orient Line adhesive labels

P&O Orient Line adhesive labels

Identity System16
Margaret Calvert11P&O Orient Line 1
Typeface for Walker Art Center

Typeface for Walker Art Center2

Laurie Haycock Makela7Matthew Carter2
Peace Corp Logo

Peace Corp Logo

Thomas Miller12
7UP Case Packaging

7UP Case Packaging3

Thomas Miller12Morton Goldsholl4
Storkline Corp. Trademark

Storkline Corp. Trademark

Thomas Miller12Morton Goldsholl4
Karolton Envelope Trademark

Karolton Envelope Trademark

Thomas Miller12Morton Goldsholl4
International Minerals & Chemical Corp. Trademark

International Minerals & Chemical Corp. Trademark

Thomas Miller12Morton Goldsholl4
Motorola Re-branding

Motorola Re-branding 3

Identity System16
Thomas Miller12Morton Goldsholl Design Associates1
CBC/SRC Television logo sequence compilation 1958-2013

CBC/SRC Television logo sequence compilation 1958-2013

50 Years of Expo 67

50 Years of Expo 67

Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada1
Fort Worth Museum of Art

Fort Worth Museum of Art 8

Visual Identity25
Massimo and Lella Vignelli4
Monterey Bay Aquarium Logo

Monterey Bay Aquarium Logo

Frederick Usher16Richard Graef1
Ariadne Clothing logo

Ariadne Clothing logo

Rebecca Martinez2
California Beef Council stationery

California Beef Council stationery

Rebecca Martinez2

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