Museum of Modern Art Brand Identity Change and Logo Re-Design


Paula Scher is an American graphic designer who exemplifies a huge step in paving the way for the recognition and hiring of more women artists. She has contributed much work to urban landscapes and graphic identities of major modern brands. Scher's works “have become case studies for the contemporary regeneration of American brands” (, which has helped shape the identity of America as a whole in its contemporary era. 

Specifically, Scher's influence under the Museum of Modern Art's (MOMA) new brand identity system in 2009 pushed for a major shift towards grid systems in America's contemporary design practices. She consulted MOMA in readdressing their identity and promotional materials. In doing so, she created consistency by suggesting logo applications be the same across materials. The introduction of a strong grid allowed for uniformity and recognizability. Scher developed a template showing how the MOMA logo is to interact with the other content on promotional materials with using the new grid structure.

Scher's contribution to implementing the grid structure and approaching contemporary design with a new lens has pushed forward a change in America's identity transitioning to more uniformity and consideration for how type interacts with imagery or other design.

MOMA Logo and Examples of Brand Identity, and Spread from "Paula Scher: Works"
MOMA Logo and Examples of Brand Identity, and Spread from "Paula Scher: Works"
Museum of Modern Art Brand Identity Change and Logo Re-Design 2
Museum of Modern Art Brand Identity Change and Logo Re-Design 3

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