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HOME: Mr. Children

HOME: Mr. Children

Album Art462
Chie Morimoto5Mr.children1
Play with Japanese ”にほんごであそぼ”

Play with Japanese ”にほんごであそぼ”

Taku Saito1Takashi Saito1
Tokyo Olympic Poster

Tokyo Olympic Poster

Yusaku Kamekura19
Kewpie Half Art Direction

Kewpie Half Art Direction

Hattori Kazunari / 服部一成3
Riot Grrrl 1990

Riot Grrrl 1990

Riot Grrrl1
Submission Hold: Progress (as if survival mattered)

Submission Hold: Progress (as if survival mattered)2

Album Art462
Jen Thorp1
Wet Print Magazine Cover, 1981 Edition

Wet Print Magazine Cover, 1981 Edition

Bob Zoell1Leonard Koren1
Black woman setting type in the southern print shop

Black woman setting type in the southern print shop

Lewis Hine1


Various designers, via Enoch Pratt library1
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angeles / Issue 0005

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angeles / Issue 000510

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Nel Nome Del Rock posters

Nel Nome Del Rock posters3

Roberto Vecchi1Annamaria Rosicarelli1
Do a number for George

Do a number for George

Nathan Felde14
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Collection 0001 : 1998-2008

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Collection 0001 : 1998-2008

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0012

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0012

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0011

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0011

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0010

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0010

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0008

Lost | Graffiti in the City of Angels / Issue 0008

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
One Step Ahead / Social Justice / Gameface / Ice / Knowledge Threat at Macondo | August 15, 1992

One Step Ahead / Social Justice / Gameface / Ice / Knowledge Threat at Macondo | August 15, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Sensefield / Kerosene 454 / Shroom Union / Clikatat Ikatowi at Macondo | December 11, 1993

Sensefield / Kerosene 454 / Shroom Union / Clikatat Ikatowi at Macondo | December 11, 1993

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Downcast / One Step Ahead / Strife / Diesel /Interlocked at Macondo | July 12, 1992

Downcast / One Step Ahead / Strife / Diesel /Interlocked at Macondo | July 12, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Sparkmarker / Diesel / Honeywell / Interlocked / Bikini Kill at Macondo | October 4, 1992

Sparkmarker / Diesel / Honeywell / Interlocked / Bikini Kill at Macondo | October 4, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Green Day / Beekeeper / Canopy / Driftwood / Rugburn at Macondo | October 18, 1992

Green Day / Beekeeper / Canopy / Driftwood / Rugburn at Macondo | October 18, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Ressurection / Lifetime / Strife / Unbroken at Macondo | July 26, 1992

Ressurection / Lifetime / Strife / Unbroken at Macondo | July 26, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Outspoken / Face Value / Pittbull / Unbroken / Interlocked at Macondo | August 23, 1992

Outspoken / Face Value / Pittbull / Unbroken / Interlocked at Macondo | August 23, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Samiam / Sensefield / Still Life at Macondo | October 11, 1992

Samiam / Sensefield / Still Life at Macondo | October 11, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Social Justice / Strife / Bottom Line / Knowledge Threat at Macondo | May 31, 1992

Social Justice / Strife / Bottom Line / Knowledge Threat at Macondo | May 31, 1992

Raymundo T. Reynoso16Eyeone16
Untouchables at Ruthie's Inn show flyer

Untouchables at Ruthie's Inn show flyer2

Kyle Chan1

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