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Photo of Lorraine Wild and Jeff Keedy, CalArts class 1992

Photo of Lorraine Wild and Jeff Keedy, CalArts class 1992

“Wiley Evans” poster for performance

“Wiley Evans” poster for performance

Kali Nikitas3Barbara Glauber2
“Artist Survival Skills”

“Artist Survival Skills”

Gail Swanlund7CalArts School of Art 1
Sleepwalkers Can Often Sing Whole Operas From Memory

Sleepwalkers Can Often Sing Whole Operas From Memory

Gail Swanlund7
CalArts' 17th World Music Festival

CalArts' 17th World Music Festival

Caryn Aono5CalArts School of Music4
CalArts Spring Music Festival

CalArts Spring Music Festival

Caryn Aono5CalArts School of Music4
CalArts Spring Music Festival

CalArts Spring Music Festival

Caryn Aono5CalArts School of Music4
“Sugar & Spice”

“Sugar & Spice”

Caryn Aono5
Amy Gerstler Lecture poster

Amy Gerstler Lecture poster

Gail Swanlund7
CalArts Poster Archive

CalArts Poster Archive

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville Experimental Impulse interview

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville Experimental Impulse interview

Benjamin Tong1Sheila Levrant de Bretteville10
Art Spaces Archives Project interview with Sheila Levrant de Bretteville

Art Spaces Archives Project interview with Sheila Levrant de Bretteville2

Jenni Sorkin1Sheila Levrant de Bretteville10
“Pink” poster

“Pink” poster3

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville10American Institute of Graphic Arts1
CalArts School of Design announcement poster

CalArts School of Design announcement poster

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville10
“California Institute of the Arts: Prologue to a Community” Arts in Society Vol. 7 No. 3

“California Institute of the Arts: Prologue to a Community” Arts in Society Vol. 7 No. 311

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville10University of Wisconsin1
Sheila Levrant de Bretteville's profile on Designer & Books

Sheila Levrant de Bretteville's profile on Designer & Books2

“Guide to the California Institute of the Arts Feminist Art Materials Collection”

“Guide to the California Institute of the Arts Feminist Art Materials Collection”2

California Institute of the Arts Library1
“Jan Steward with Juliette Bellocq at CalArts”

“Jan Steward with Juliette Bellocq at CalArts”

Louise Sandhaus35
Sullivan & Marks graphics demo reel

Sullivan & Marks graphics demo reel 2

Motion Graphics140
Harry Marks11David Moore2
Motion History Lecture: Dan Perri (Part 1 & 2)

Motion History Lecture: Dan Perri (Part 1 & 2)2

Dan Perri4
TV title design: Arnold Schwartzman

TV title design: Arnold Schwartzman

Arnold Schwartzman1
“Train Landscape”

“Train Landscape”

Motion Graphics140
Jules Engel2


Motion Graphics140
Jules Engel2
“Graphic Design Gets a Life”

“Graphic Design Gets a Life”2

Veronique Vienne1ReVerb2
“Typecast: meaning, culture, and identity in the alphabet omelet (?which came first?)“ from Lift and Separate: graphic design and the quote unquote vernacular

“Typecast: meaning, culture, and identity in the alphabet omelet (?which came first?)“ from Lift and Separate: graphic design and the quote unquote vernacular 2

Barbara Glauber2Sojin Kim & Somi Kim2
“Next stop, Pasadena?“

“Next stop, Pasadena?“ 2

Milton Zolotow1
Blueprints for Modern Living

Blueprints for Modern Living20

Hodgetts + Fung1Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art; Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press1
Art Forum Vol. 11, No. 6

Art Forum Vol. 11, No. 62

Craig Hodgetts4Art Forum1
New York Magazine Vol. 2, No. 8

New York Magazine Vol. 2, No. 83

Craig Hodgetts4New York Media, LLC1
Interview with Craig Hodgetts

Interview with Craig Hodgetts3

Audio file15
Craig Hodgetts4Louise Sandhaus + CalArts class1
A Seismic Shift: A Conversation with Catherine Lord, Lorraine Wild, and Sean Adams

A Seismic Shift: A Conversation with Catherine Lord, Lorraine Wild, and Sean Adams2

Louise Sandhaus35Catherine Lord1
Interview with Keith Godard

Interview with Keith Godard

Audio file15
Keith Godard6Hayden Smith1
Interview with Tom Ingalls

Interview with Tom Ingalls2

Audio file15
Tom Ingalls2Louise Sandhaus35
“Sheila Levrant de Bretteville”

“Sheila Levrant de Bretteville” 2

Dugald Stermer3
CalArts Bulletin

CalArts Bulletin5

Agenda Studio1CalArts2

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