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The Obsessive Images of Seymour Chwast2

100 Years of Chicago Design
The Inclusive World of Multisensory Typography3
Handwriting is dying. What does that mean for design?3
Affordability, Transparency + Flexibility: Southland Institute Offers an Alternative Model for Design
Graphic Design USA/AIGA Cover

Charles Goslin AIGA NY 4.17.2001

AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries4

Maine Summer Institute in Graphic Design 1992

AIGA Context poster

Uxbridge Travel Poster

AIGA Los Angeles: Chapter petition 19834
“Future History : The Art and Design of Walking”3

“The 1st Birthday party” announcement2

Stealth installation5

Lucille Tenazas interview

1982 Book Cover

“R.A.F.“ Album Cover2
Interview Notes for Marion Sampler 2

LA Design History: Marion Sampler 4

Cover of AIGA Journal, Vol. IV No. 1-2

Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning. “Urban Focus: A Festival of Films and Video Tapes” poster

Poster for “summer sessions philadelphia college of art”

Interview with Marion Sampler by Archie Boston
“NSAD nominate 15 for 16th NSAD Award” 2

“LA Design History: April Greiman” 3

Petrula Vrontikis Interview2

AIGA membership package5

An Eames Perspective

AIGA Archives

San Francisco's September of Love (or Something)