AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries


This poster functioned as a call for entries for the AIGA Communication Graphics competition in 1993. Before websites and email, design organizations communicated with the design community through printed ephemera. Posters were an especially popular way to achieve this. Unfortunately, this submission is a fragment. 

By 1993 desktop computers were a viable way to produce graphic design. April Greiman was an early innovator in the use of the computer in her work. This poster shows her reveling in the pixelated visual vocabulary of early computer graphics software.

AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries 1
Source: photograph
AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries 2
Source: photograph
AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries 3
Source: photograph
AIGA Communication Graphics 1993 call for entries 4
Source: photograph

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