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Climate and Weather

Climate and Weather8

Book749Book Spread11Book Cover237diagrams18
Design Practitioners1Hermann Flohn1
Characteristic Actions of Alcohol

Characteristic Actions of Alcohol

Denoyer Geppert Co.1L. Philip Denoyer1
A Beginner's Guide to the Skies

A Beginner's Guide to the Skies14

Book749Illustration314Book Cover237diagrams18
R. Newton Maywall1Margaret W. Maywall1
“Region Massif Central: Réunion des Techniciens cynégétiques et du Personnel Administratif — Le Puy, 29-30 octobre 1981”

“Region Massif Central: Réunion des Techniciens cynégétiques et du Personnel Administratif — Le Puy, 29-30 octobre 1981”

“Lagomorph Newsletter" (no.8, July 1988)

“Lagomorph Newsletter" (no.8, July 1988)

IUCN SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group1
Whole Earth Catalog; Fall 1969

Whole Earth Catalog; Fall 19698



Mary Condon6John Condon6
“The Moon Show”

“The Moon Show”2

Jacqueline Casey8Massachusetts Institute of Technology7
“Lift equilibrium”

“Lift equilibrium”

Jacqueline Casey8Massachusetts Institute of Technology7


Jacqueline Casey8Massachusetts Institute of Technology7
“Chemistry at MIT”

“Chemistry at MIT”

Jacqueline Casey8Massachusetts Institute of Technology7
“Center for Space Research Symposium”

“Center for Space Research Symposium”2

Jacqueline Casey8Massachusetts Institute of Technology7
Advertising for Champion Paper

Advertising for Champion Paper

David Wilcox2
“Enrollment in the Negro common schools of the former slave states of the United States.“

“Enrollment in the Negro common schools of the former slave states of the United States.“

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America

A series of statistical charts illustrating the condition of the descendants of former African slaves now in residence in the United States of America

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
Number of Negro students taking the various courses of study offered in Georgia schools

Number of Negro students taking the various courses of study offered in Georgia schools

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
Proportion of Total Negro Children of School Age Who are Enrolled in the Public Schools

Proportion of Total Negro Children of School Age Who are Enrolled in the Public Schools

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7Atlanta University1
Negro teachers in Georgia public schools

Negro teachers in Georgia public schools2

Information Graphics75
W. E. B. Du Bois7
Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library

Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library2

AID S poster

AID S poster

Kevan Way1Swinburne University of Technology1
The Papers of James Graham Ballard: Four Text Collages (Project for a New Novel)

The Papers of James Graham Ballard: Four Text Collages (Project for a New Novel)4

James Graham Ballard1
Taejon Expo '93 (1993년 세계 박람회) promotional poster

Taejon Expo '93 (1993년 세계 박람회) promotional poster2

A Memoir

A Memoir2

Stephen Nowlin1MIT Press5
Cover design for Radical Software Magazine, Summer

Cover design for Radical Software Magazine, Summer

Ant Farm2Chip Lord2
“Engineers and Scientists Applaud Aviation Week’s Inertial Guidance Report”

“Engineers and Scientists Applaud Aviation Week’s Inertial Guidance Report”2



Dokho Shin1Junseob Lee1
“Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games” Poster

“Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games” Poster

April Greiman36Jayme Odgers5
“Does it make sense?“ from  Design Quarterly #133

“Does it make sense?“ from Design Quarterly #1332

April Greiman36Walker Art Center5
“Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools” 1970

“Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools” 19708

Stewart Brand4
“Access to Tools: Publications from the Whole Earth Catalog, 1968-1974” Article

“Access to Tools: Publications from the Whole Earth Catalog, 1968-1974” Article

“Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools” 1968

“Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools” 19684

Stewart Brand4
“Aerospace Graphics”

“Aerospace Graphics”2


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