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experimental film

Folder for The 4th Annual Independent Film Makers Competition/ Held at St. Lawrence University in 1969

Masculin, Féminin (Film)

Experimental Video playlist4
New Wave design by John van Hamersveld5

Lillian F. Schwartz website


Kachi Kachi Yama

Kachi Kachi Yama

Cover of Melba

Film #10 “Mirror Animations” from “Early Abstractions”2

Film #1 “A Strange Dream” from “Early Abstractions”2

Film #2 “Message from the Sun” from “Early Abstractions”2
“From the Gun Controller to the Mandala: The Cybernetic Cinema of John and James Whitney” 2
“John and James Whitney: Audio- Visual Music” 3
“The Vision of John Whitney 1917-1995” 4
“Audivisual Music” 2
“Visual Music: The Search for an Aesthetic” 2
“Letters: On Music’s Changing Relation to Visual Art” 3
“Fifty Years of Composing Computer Music and Graphics: How Time’s New Solid-State Tractability Has Changed Audio-Visual Perspectives” 3

Film #5 “Circular Tensions” (Homage to Oskar Fischinger) from “Early Abstractions”2
Color Music – Abstract Film– Audio – Visual Music2
“Abstract Film Explorations” 2


“Come Closer”

“Chasse des Touches”

“Allure” 3
“Fallout: Some Notes on the Films of Bruce Conner” 2

“Cosmic Ray”

Light Show at Santana's concert

Projection from Son et Lumière for Earth, Air, Fire and Water

“Train Landscape”


“Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair”
“Freshness in Design” 2
