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Innovations in Devanagari Typesetting (Degree System)

Triple Canopy Website
The Secret, Subversive + Revolutionary Language of the East African Kanga
“By the Street of Bye-and-Bye One Arrives at the House of Never” (signed)3

Orange Paper, Fruit Wrapper: Struwwelpeter

Braille Writing System 2

Diario No. 1, Año 15

Quileute Alphabet Poster

Leprosy poster-leaflet

“For emergency use soft shoulder” Poster

“be of love (a little) more careful than of everything”

“figures of the morning of time - orange and blue”

World Council of Churches Exhibition in Sweden4

“wide open”

“give the gang our best”

“american sampler”


“mary does laugh”



“the juiciest tomato of al