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The Realm Where the Night Opens

The Realm Where the Night Opens

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
Theories of the Symbol

Theories of the Symbol

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
Circle of Shadows

Circle of Shadows

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
Texts of Displacement

Texts of Displacement

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
History of Linguistics

History of Linguistics

Víctor Viano12
Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World

Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World

Víctor Viano12
Alain Resnais’s  Stavisky

Alain Resnais’s  Stavisky

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
Political History of Venezuela

Political History of Venezuela

Víctor Viano12
Literature and Praxis in Latin America

Literature and Praxis in Latin America

Víctor Viano12
Marx and Alienation

Marx and Alienation

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
National Review of Culture

National Review of Culture

Víctor Viano12
Yañez, Rulfo, Fuentes: The Modern Mexican Novel

Yañez, Rulfo, Fuentes: The Modern Mexican Novel

Book Cover253
Víctor Viano12
Harper’s Magazine (August 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (August 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (June 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (June 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (June 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (June 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (April 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (April 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (March 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (March 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (February 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (February 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (January 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (January 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (November 1962)

Harper’s Magazine (November 1962)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (October 1962)

Harper’s Magazine (October 1962)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine  (September 1966)

Harper’s Magazine  (September 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Harper’s Magazine (October 1966)

Harper’s Magazine (October 1966)

Magazine Cover186
Janet Halverson61
Yates Paul, His Grand Flights, His Tootings

Yates Paul, His Grand Flights, His Tootings

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61James Baker Hall1
The Temptation of Jack Orkney & Other Stories

The Temptation of Jack Orkney & Other Stories

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Doris Lessing2
The Prisoner of Love

The Prisoner of Love

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Hubert Monteilhet1
The Mordida Man

The Mordida Man

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Ross Thomas1
The Message in the Bottle

The Message in the Bottle

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Walker Percy2
The Last Gentleman

The Last Gentleman

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Walker Percy2
The Morning After

The Morning After

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Wilfrid Sheed1
May We Borrow Your Husband & Other Comedies of the Sexual Life

May We Borrow Your Husband & Other Comedies of the Sexual Life

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Graham Greene1
An Area of Darkness

An Area of Darkness

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61V.S. Naipaul1
A Book of Common Prayer

A Book of Common Prayer

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Joan Didion1
Mauve Gloves & Madmen, Clutter & Vine

Mauve Gloves & Madmen, Clutter & Vine

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Tom Wolfe1
Composition No. 1

Composition No. 1

Janet Halverson61Simon and Schuster11
The Fixer

The Fixer

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Farrar, Straus and Giroux8
The Pre-Rephaelite Dream

The Pre-Rephaelite Dream

Softcover Book46
Janet Halverson61Schocken Books6
Painting of the High Renaissance

Painting of the High Renaissance2

Softcover Book46
Janet Halverson61Harper & Row3
Essays on Elizabethan Drama

Essays on Elizabethan Drama

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Harcourt, Brace and Company2
Antiworlds and “The Fifth Ace”

Antiworlds and “The Fifth Ace”

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Doubleday & Co., Inc.4
Venice Observed

Venice Observed

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Mary McCarthy2
Puritanism & Revolution

Puritanism & Revolution

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Christopher Hill1
The Stones of Florence

The Stones of Florence

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Mary McCarthy2
Maker of Heaven and Earth

Maker of Heaven and Earth

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Doubleday & Co., Inc.4
The Chinese Looking Glass

The Chinese Looking Glass

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Farrar, Straus and Giroux8
The Orgy

The Orgy

Hardcover Book49
Janet Halverson61Muriel Rukeyser1
Baby, Come On Inside

Baby, Come On Inside

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Farrar, Straus and Giroux8
Mount Analogue

Mount Analogue

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Pantheon1
The Trail of Dr. Adams

The Trail of Dr. Adams

Softcover Book46
Janet Halverson61TIME Inc4
Zip: A Novel of the Left and the Right

Zip: A Novel of the Left and the Right

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Viking Press (New York) 4
The Game of Dostoevsky

The Game of Dostoevsky

Hardcover Book49Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Farrar, Straus and Giroux8
Evolutionary Socialism

Evolutionary Socialism

Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Schocken Books6
The Design of Everyday Things

The Design of Everyday Things

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Doubleday2
Pandora’s Box

Pandora’s Box

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Harper & Row3
Boswell: A Modern Comedy

Boswell: A Modern Comedy

Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61E. P. Dutton1
The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution

The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Harcourt, Brace & World4
The Sudden View

The Sudden View

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Sybille Bedford2
Confrontation: Black and White

Confrontation: Black and White

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books, Baltimore5
Battle for Manhattan

Battle for Manhattan

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books, Baltimore5
Before the Mayflower

Before the Mayflower

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books, Baltimore5


Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books4
The Culture Consumers

The Culture Consumers

Softcover Book46
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books, Baltimore5
Battle for the Mind

Battle for the Mind

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Penguin Books4
The Textile Arts

The Textile Arts

Softcover Book46Book Cover253
Janet Halverson61Schocken Books6

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