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Spread from New Graphik, No. 13

International Poster Annual, 1951

Vietnam: Our Victory; South Africa: Our Fight

Révolution, September 19632

Cover for Artforum Magazine, December 1992, Vol. 31 No. 4
Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Awareness Posters 1985–2010 exhibition catalog

Feminist Findings2


Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library2

Lucille Tenazas interview

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Collection2

Poster House2

Postage Stamp Commemorative of the 5th Asia-Pacific Dental Congress3

Postage Stamp Commemorative of the 14th Asian Advertising Congress5

Cover of “IDEA”, No. 213 magazine

Taejon Expo '93 (1993년 세계 박람회) promotional poster2

Cover of “Design” vol. 12

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.156, “The 3rd NAAC Exhibition”

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.109

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.256

Cover of IDEA magazine, no.077