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It's notwhatAprilyouthinkitGreimanis

Drive-by Shooting: April Greiman Digital Photography


Something From Nothing3

The Odyssey, paperback cover

Coming to Our Senses: Body and Spirit in the Hidden History of the West, paperback cover

Every Wednesday, Dancing for Women! at the Girl Bar, 15 Saint Mark’s Place, NYC, c.1

“Escuela de Bellas Artes de Taxco” Brochure5


On the Poverty of Student Life: Ten Days That Shook the University, 1st U.S. ed.3

“Fine Print” Magazine Cover


“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”


“Sports—Sport (Les sports—Le sport)“

“Our American Sisters (Nos sœurs d’Amérique)“

“Nederlandse Postzegels”11

“Floriade Phone Cards”

Tussen Twee Culturen Postage Stamps

Original maquette for the 1982 Cultural Freebee Jam flyer, with the printed flyer

“God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse”2

“Power to the People”

“Where the Deer and the Antelope Play: National Parks”

“Woman at Work” 3

Continuous Dipmeter

“Speak Your Own Language”

Revolt in Socialist Yugoslavia2

Birth of a Revolutionary Movement in Yugoslavia12

Black & Red No. 4 (Christmas Issue)11

“Table of Contents #1”2

Revolutionary Printing Co-op Itemized Printing Schedule3

The Detroit Printing Co-op Broadsheets6

“Environmental Design at Art Center College of Design”

Mossel’prom Ira cigarettes Advertisement

State Department Store (GUM) lightbulbs Advertisement

Textile Design 4, Step 4

“Three Geometric Fabric Designs: Red/Blue, Green/Fuchsia”

“Cabbage Thoughts”

“Wall Street”

“Pioneers of Flight”


“Support Black Liberation”

“A Show Biz Tragedy”

“Meat and Pork for Your Fork”

“Car Bomb”

“Lucky Shot! (Ode to Cheney)“

“She packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus”

Africa Speaks to the West

Hold the Gray Line2

“The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes

The Black Panther

The Black Panther Newspaper 2

“All Power To The People” , Black Panther Newspaper

Textile Design for Cretonne Drapery Fabric (1932)

Textile Design for Cretonne (1928)

We Shall Overcome

Bush AIDS (Swindle & Loot)2

We are going to keep on struggling for brighter days

Illustration for “The Black Panther”

“Human Rights Now”

“Wake Up”

“The Fluids of Spring”

Time Magazine Cover