The New First Family, 1968: A Futuristic Fairytale
- Album Art 415
- Record Sleeve 72
Type of Work
- Finished work 5482
"The New First Family, 1968: A Futuristic Fairytale was created by Bob Booker and George Foster. This album was recorded Live in Mono and Stereo at Columbia Recording Studios in New York City, on October 18, 1966, and printed in 1968. It contains six sections, all of which create the storyline of the album. Six different impressionists star in this piece as they take the listener through the fairytale stories of the United States. Their impressions range from Louis Armstrong, Bobby Kennedy, John Wayne, and many others who were prevalent in American culture at the time.
The design consists of cartoon illustrations of lots of American celebrities at the time. It features an illustrative technique as well as a watercolor painting style. A range of colors are being presented, providing lots of depth and interest in the piece. Bold, Capital, Sans-Serif font is displayed at the top of the album in bright red to catch the viewer's attention. The back of the album contains each name of the impressionist, the title of each section of the story, and the names of those the impressionist imitated. The back is printed in black/white Sans-Serif text and is all capitals as well.