“There’s Work For All”

The International System Of Typographic Picture Education (ISOTYPE) was invented by Otto Neurath in collaboration with his wife Marie Neurath, and Gerd Arntz. While assisted by many, this core Isotype team sought to create educational designs to bringing statistics alive through a visual language of modular pictograms. In 1925, Otto founded a museum in Vienna for educating the public on social and economic issues (Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum) with the motto: “It is better to remember simplified images than to forget exact figures.” "There's Work for All" was published by Adprint, a book packaging company that compiles books and had a long-standing relationship with the Isotype Institute. You can read more about the Isotype Instutute and their work with Adprint here; https://medium.com/nightingale/exploring-isotype-charts-only-an-ocean-between-part-1-399f227e1c69
“There’s Work For All” 1

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