Motown Records' 45 RPM record
- designer unknown 89 Designer
Type of Work
- Finished work 5502
- printing 457
- Width
- 7in
This vinyl record was released on Motown Records' Soul label in the summer of 1966. It is a ballad, with lead singer Jimmy Ruffin recalling the pain that befalls the brokenhearted and their struggle to overcome their sadness so that they can find happiness in the future of their lives. This message is conveyed through the choice of pigmented magentas, illusional circles, and low-contrast typography.
At the top of the label lies the Soul Records logo mark. It is white and prominently sits on top of the circles. Founded in 1964 for releases with less of a pop feel and more of a traditional blues style, Soul Records was created as a subsidiary label of Motown Records. The design of these new records was a complete turnaround from the concurrent Motown Records’ labels in which the design tended to be typography-heavy with an emphasis in the foreground. This Soul Records’ label’s emphasis appears to lie in the background. The type work has low contrast with the magenta circles, challenging legibility in a creative way.