“Handbuilt Poster”

"Nothing was lost in the production of this poster. A promotional piece for a small studio with an undersized budget, the poster was designed to accommodate business cards in the cropped margins as well as ribbons to package it once rolled. A few were cropped to be used later on as communication cards. Interested in finding a large amount of graphic solutions within a fixed set of rules, the challenge for this project became: how many variations can be created with 15 shapes and 4 inks? After experimenting with mixed-inks swatches and working closely with the printer, 966 different colors were created for the final design. Additionally, a set of 15 shapes retrieved from the year’s past projects was defined and used to create a collection of 107 unique letters, spelling out the poster’s message. An interest in craft and the handmade was allowed to permeate the design process of this computer-generated object, resulting in an interconnected and intricate typographic layout."— http://www.handbuiltstudio.com/work/handbuilt-poster/
“Handbuilt Poster”

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