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Henry Steiner's HSBC Banknote Deisgn (1985)2

Russian Ruble 19982

Global Food Waste awareness poster
The Two Dollar Bill 2

Chinese Life Insurance Small Coins Collection Album3

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note, with Shotoku Taishi

The Smallest Japanese Note

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note with a Blank backs (裏白札)

Art nouveau-style Silver-convertible Note (アールヌーヴォー調 日本銀行兌換券)

The Bank of Japan Silver-convertible Note (日本銀行兌換銀券)

National Bank Note (新国立銀行紙幣/水兵札)

National Bank Note (旧国立銀行紙幣)

German Note (ゲルマン紙幣/明治通宝)

Switzerland 20 Franc Note 19782
Design as choice architecture: informing consumers about debt related behaviors

Book cover illuminating the lives of women entrepreneurs.
Book Cover, 2nd edition, Raising Financially Fit Kids