Contribution Date


“Platform 4 Chaos”4

“Daylife Uncensored”5

Poster for North Sea Jazz Festival (Ahoy, Rotterdam) Art Poster Competition

“Our Folk Tales: High John the Conqueror and Other Afro-American Tales”

Original maquette for the 1982 Cultural Freebee Jam flyer, with the printed flyer

“God’s Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse”2

“Across, Down & Black”

Group of 13 NAACP pinback buttons

“Black and Brown Stamp Album”

“Power to the People”

Group of 30 different Black Panther and Black Power pinbacks

Group of 8 Angela Davis pinbacks

“You Can’t Jail the Revolution. Stop the Trial, Free the Conspiracy 8.“

“TCB: United Front, Taking Care of Business”

“Free Angela Davis” Poster from the Soviet Union

“Blood People Land”

“Genocide Series No. 1: Noddin’ Our Liberation Away!“

“Calendar: Twelve American Women, 1942”2

Cover of OSPAAAL's Tricontinental 76

Graphic: OSPAAAL

Nina Simone, “Emergency Ward!“2

The Space Music of Sun Ra and His Space ARKestra

“National Art Competition: entries to the National Art Gallery exhibition”2

“National basket competition, National Art Gallery”2

“December 16: The day of our vow: The people shall govern: Victory is certain”

“Smash Bantu education: misery: illiteracy”

“The Struggle Continues”

East Village Other No. 37

Soledad Brothers

“Revolutionary Memorial Services for George Jackson”

Black Panther Party Survival Programs

“Free Huey Rally Oakland Auditorium”

“Free Huey”

Free Huey Rally in San Francisco

Black Panther Poster

Title Cards for CBS Television (50s-60s) 5

The Crisis

The Crisis; Vol. 4, No. 6

“Native Tribes of North America, Central America and the Caribbean”

“Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life”

The Black Panther; Vol. 2, No.18

The Black Panther; Vol. 2, No. 18

The Black Panther

The Black Panther; Vol. 242

The Black Panther

The Black Panther; Vol. 4, No. 7

The Black Panther; Vol.2, No. 23

The Black Panther Newspaper, vol. 4, no. 5

Black Power

“Banque Nacional du Congo” poster

Ebony Jr

Drum Magazine (West Africa Edition), 1950s

Drum Magazine, June 1957

Drum Magazine, July 1956

Drum Magazine, February 1955

“The Crisis” cover

“The Blacker the Berry”

Masthead of Freedom’s Journal.2

The weekly Christian Recorder, published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by the AME Church

for SDS “Black Power and Its Challenges” conference at UC Berkeley

“Day of Solidarity with the Afro-American People”

“Summer in Baltimore”